

All information on mynetfair servers are checked with utmost care. A warranty for correctness, completeness and actuality cannot be accepted, especially not for the company information provided by our customers. Any liability, particularly for possible damages or consequences which occur due to use of the information on offer, is excluded. The same is valid for all directly and indirectly listed websites which are referred to through hyperlinks. mynetfair is not responsible for the contents and the compliance with data protection by such websites which can be reached by following the links. If you should come across any false information or reprimands, we would appreciate a comment by e-mail.
Any suggestions and criticisms should also be sent to


mynetfair AG
Zentrum am Markt
Eurodistrict Strasbourg/Ortenau
Blumenstrasse 2
77694 Kehl / Rhin



mynetfair AG
Zentrum am Markt
Eurodistrict Strasbourg/Ortenau
Blumenstrasse 2
77694 Kehl / Rhin
Phone +49 7851 6188-0
Fax +49 7851 6188-299


Corporate information according to § 5 of the Telemediengesetz (TMG net & law):

mynetfair AG
Zentrum am Markt
Eurodistrict Strasbourg/Ortenau
Blumenstrasse 2
77694 Kehl / Rhin

Commercial Register (Handelsregister):
Register Court: Amtsgericht Freiburg i. Br. HRB 703438
USt.IdNr. DE 258863625

Executive board:
Ruediger Golluecke (CEO)

Supervisory board:
Juergen Siegloch (chairman)

Responsible in the sense of press law and § 5 of the Telemediengesetzes (TMG net & law):

Ruediger Golluecke (CEO)
mynetfair AG
Zentrum am Markt
Eurodistrict Strasbourg/Ortenau
Blumenstrasse 2
77694 Kehl / Rhein
Phone +49 7851 6188-0
Fax +49 7851 6188-299


Press contact

mynetfair AG
Andreas Hoefermann
Zentrum am Markt
Blumenstrasse 2
77694 Kehl / Rhin
Phone +49 7851 6188-290
Fax +49 7851 6188-299


Copyright notes

Texts, pictures and graphics as well as the layout of these pages underlie the worldwide copyright laws. Unauthorised use, reproduction or disclosure of contents or complete pages will be prosecuted for criminal and civil liabilities.
© 2009 mynetfair
